Open Journal Systems

Author Guidelines

The article is written in English language. Authors should follow the instructions for writing the articles provided. All articles submitted to the editor, will be selected and edited (edited) by the editorial team.


Article Type

Full article. The article presents its authenticity and importance in the field of Biology. The article structure is structured according to IMRAD (Introduction, Methods / Methods, Results / Results, Discussion), thank you if any and Bibliography (see detail format of writing). Maximum 15 page pages or 3000-4500 words (including images and tables).

Article Section


2. Author's full name

3. The author's full address

4. Authors' correspondence: Phone number, Fax and E-mail address

5. Abstract

6. Keywords









15. Picture and title of the image

16. Table and table title


Detailed Description Articles

Title. Title is no more than 16 words

Author data. Minimum two authors with full name (not abbreviated and without academic tittles) and author's address (complete with zip code). example: Rizal Maulana Hasby, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. AH. Nasution 105, Bandung 40614. For authors correspondence add phone number, fax and E-mail address.

Abstract. The abstract maximum 300 words,  do not contain bibliography, numbers, abbreviations, and abbreviations for measurement unless necessary. The abstract organized in this structure: The opening sentences related to the research background as well as a common problem in research, results and concluding sentences. It should be a single paragraph. (Times New Roman, italics 11 Pt).

Keywords: Maximum of 6 specific words, which can help formulate an index.


It contain the background and specific scope of the study, as well as its relation to some research that has been done. Provide a description (local name and scientific name) of the organism under study. For the citation that taken from the document that has more than two authors, provide the last name of the first author with "et al"



The method section needs to be explained in sufficient detail so that the reviewer can answer some or all of the following questions: (i) Is it an experimental or exploratory research? (ii) Whether the method described sufficiently detailed so that the research can be replicated (iii) If the method based on previous research, explain briefly about the method. If the modifications have been done, provide explanation on the parts of the method that being modified, (iv) The name and number of the sample. Specify the source of the samples, if human materials have been used, it must comply with standard ethics and get approval from the authorities.


Mention the results based on the method used. Do not present the same data in two forms. Do not state references in the results section. The average value must use the standard deviation. All results data must be made in the form of tables or graphs. IMAGES AND TABLES are presented in the end of the Article (after the bibliography). See the table and graph creation criteria below. Discussion of data is compared with several research results that have been reported


The main conclusions of the study should be presented in a short Conclusions section which stands alone


Please list the contribution of each author here, e.g.: M.I. designed the research and supervised all the process, L.A. collected and analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Mention the grants (the institution, the year of the contract) and the people who provide the assistance. The name of the person who helped in the study was written without a degree.


Please state any conflict of interest regarding the research or the research funding

REFERENCES. The manuscript is written using standard citation applications (Mendeley / Endnote / Zotero), APA (American Psychological Association) style.

 Citing an article written by two authors, both authors should be mentioned, however, for three and more authors only the first author mentioned is followed by et al. Kinasih & Hasby (2015), Cahyanto et al. (2011). A series of references should be presented in ascending order of dates (Retnoningsih et al., 2005; Indriyanti et al., 2007, Rahayuningsih, 2010). Different publications with the same author (s) and year will be presented separately, as follows 2013a, 2013b. Websites, personal discussions, unpublished data must be written and bracketed. Example: .... Personal discussions should write down the name that gives the statement (Takahashi, 2009, personal discussion). Unpublished articles are accepted but must be submitted as article attachments.

Only published publication of the bibliographic list. At least 80% of primary references (journal articles) at least the last 10 years.


PICTURE. Maximum image size is 8.5 cm. Number and title of the image is written with the size of 10 Times New Roman.

STATISTICAL GRAPHS. Give standard deviation for each average score. Authors who use Microsoft Excel program must provide raw data.

PHOTO. The size of the photo can be tailored to the needs. Created professionally with sharp and clear images. Give an arrow to show the main point on the object of observation. When the image / graph / illustration ever published then must be written quoted from (author's name and bibliography).

TABLE. Give standard deviations for each table. Table title should be short. The unusual table descriptions contained in the table are written in the footnotes. If the table has been published then it should be written quoted from (author's name and bibliography). Number and title of the table is written with the size of 10 Times New Roman. 



Department of Biology Faculty of Science and TechnologyUIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Jl. AH. Nasution 105 Bandung 40614
